Two Trained Elephants Coax Another Wild Elephant Onto Wildlife Department Truck for Relocation

The Paper Break May 12, 2024
Two Trained Elephants Coax Another Wild Elephant Onto Wildlife Department Truck for Relocation

Elephants showcase remarkable intelligence, consistently highlighting their impressive cognitive abilities.

In a recent video shared by user @alexjee1419, he recounted an incident from May 8th in Pahang involving a loose wild elephant.

The video captures the wild elephant wandering, drawing a crowd of curious spectators. Alex narrated how the Wildlife Department arrived with two trained elephants to assist in capturing the wild one.

In the footage, two local men explained that the intention behind bringing the trained elephants was to persuade the wild elephant to board the Wildlife Department truck.

Alex expressed his amusement at the sight of the two elephants, which attracted numerous locals from the area.

"The sheer size of the elephants left me in awe. It gathered quite a crowd, with people gathering to capture photos and videos."

He further described how, after some time, they successfully guided the wild elephant onto the truck, purportedly for relocation to a habitat in Terengganu.

"Many locals from the area came to witness the elephants."

"I caught a glimpse of the elephants passing through Gua Musang just now."

"I've lived a long life, yet I've never laid eyes on an elephant until today."

Watch here:

@alexjee1419 8/5/2024 Gajah liar berjaya dipujuk di simpang kampung Tersang Batu Malim... #gajah #simpangkampungtersang #elephant #gajahliar #jabatanperhilitan ♬ Back to life - 乐旋


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