Pahang Exco Plans to Seek Endorsement from Jujutsu Kaisen's Creator for Memorial Construction on Kuantan Beach

The Paper Break Dec 07, 2023
Pahang Exco Plans to Seek Endorsement from Jujutsu Kaisen's Creator for Memorial Construction on Kuantan Beach

Kuantan, you're gaining global recognition now, and for those from Kuantan and Pahang, this news might spark excitement.

The Pahang state government is reaching out to Japan with a long-distance call to connect with the creators of the popular anime, Jujutsu Kaisen. In case you missed it, the 42nd episode of the anime recently went viral for featuring a mention of Kuantan, Pahang.

One of the characters, Nanami, expressed a wish to visit a beach in Kuantan before his death.

"Kuantan would be nice," Nanami said in the episode, capturing the attention of many Malaysians, even those who don't typically watch the anime.

The initiative to contact the creators of Jujutsu Kaisen, as explained by state exco Leong Man Yu, aims to further promote the beach in Kuantan following the viral news about the episode mentioning Kuantan. Interestingly, fans of the anime played a role in the state exco's decision, as reported by BFM News and Sinar Harian.

"Fans of the episode had marked this on Google Maps as a memorial to Kento Nanami," Leong elaborated.

In addition, Leong pointed out that some anime enthusiasts proposed a memorial for Nanami on the beach.

The state government will reach out to the anime creator to seek approval for this matter.

"We're hopeful to secure an endorsement from the creator of Jujutsu Kaisen so that the beach in Kuantan can evolve into a tourist attraction for anime fans worldwide."

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