Malaysians Marvel at Stunning Double Rainbow Display at Peranggi View Point in Sabah

The Paper Break Dec 13, 2023
Malaysians Marvel at Stunning Double Rainbow Display at Peranggi View Point in Sabah

After venturing to the picturesque Peranggi View Point in Kota Belud, Sabah, a group of Malaysian travelers were fortunate enough to encounter a breathtaking spectacle. Surrounded by expansive greenery and distant mountains, the landscape was not only beautiful but also remarkably pleasing to the eye.

A TikTok clip shared by the travel agency @northborneotrip captured the mesmerizing moment when the visitors, dressed in jackets and long-sleeved attire, witnessed not one but two rainbows gracing the sky. The surroundings suggested that the area had recently experienced rainfall, with lingering shades of grey in the sky.

Seizing the opportunity to document their experience at the view point, the lucky travelers snapped selfies, took snapshots, and recorded videos not only of the pristine mountains but also of the multicolored arches that had unexpectedly appeared.

The vivid display of the rainbows originated from the top of a nearby hill, creating a striking visual that left onlookers in awe. Witnessing this natural phenomenon firsthand, many Malaysians expressed their desire to visit the site in the future, highlighting the magical experience they anticipated at this captivating location.

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