Malaysian Trainer Instantly Demotivated After Discovering New Hire Earns RM900 More Than Her!

The Paper Break Sep 16, 2024
Malaysian Trainer Instantly Demotivated After Discovering New Hire Earns RM900 More Than Her!

There are many factors that can lead to an employee feeling demotivated, and one of them is discovering the salary differences between colleagues.

Recently, a Malaysian woman found out that the new employee she is tasked with training is earning more than she is.

Sharing her story anonymously on the @meinmokhtar X page, the 27-year-old expressed her frustration after learning that the new hire she’s training receives RM900 more than her.

She wrote, “I’ve been working at my current company for over a year with a basic salary of RM2,500, not including allowances. Now, I’m responsible for training a newbie and just found out her basic salary is RM3,400. I instantly lost my motivation to work and perform.”

Many people sympathized with her situation and encouraged her to either negotiate for a higher salary or consider finding a better opportunity elsewhere.

“Before giving up, stand up for yourself. Raise the issue with your boss. If you truly deserve a raise, speak up. Once you get an answer, you can decide whether to stay or look for another job.”

“You can ask for a higher salary or leave. It’s unfair for a junior to earn more than an experienced senior.”

“With your experience, you should consider moving to another company and asking for a higher salary.”

We empathize with her situation and hope she makes the best decision for herself.

What do you think she should do in this situation? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


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