Malaysian Couple Marries at 18 to Avoid Immorality, but Man Regrets It Due to Frequent Conflicts

A young couple who tied the knot at 18 is now rethinking their decision as their marriage faces increasing challenges. In an anonymous confession shared on X by @meinmokhtar, the husband revealed that they chose to marry early to avoid Maksiat (immorality).
However, just seven months into their marriage, constant arguments have caused the couple to live apart. Many disputes remain unresolved, leading them to take some time away from each other.
“It stresses me that we fight every day. My wife doesn’t like my family and complains to her parents about mine daily,” the man shared.
Tensions escalated further when the bride’s father confronted the man’s family at their home, adding more strain to the already fragile relationship. While divorce has not been mentioned, the husband expressed regret over marrying at such a young age.
Despite their good intentions, the couple didn’t anticipate the significant challenges that would drive them apart. They have now been living separately for over two months, speaking to each other only when absolutely necessary.
Marriage comes with its highs and lows, but in this case, is the root of the problem poor communication or the immaturity that often accompanies such young unions?