Malaysian Woman Condemns Online Critic for Disparaging Her Choice of "Haram" Traditional Attire

The Paper Break Feb 18, 2024
Malaysian Woman Condemns Online Critic for Disparaging Her Choice of "Haram" Traditional Attire

Recently, a singer faced criticism on TikTok for wearing the traditional Iban attire in her latest music video. Among numerous comments on her clothing choice, one particularly stood out, stating, "This is haram. Why do you choose to wear clothing of the infidels."

In response, the singer clarified in the caption, "For those unaware, this is a traditional Iban outfit."

"It's surprising that my attire was questioned, especially since the song is titled 'Bujang Sarawak.'"

Supportive comments on the singer's TikTok defended her choice of attire.

"I don't understand why people label others as infidels just for wearing traditional clothing."

"Maybe you should consider moving to Sarawak. People in the Peninsula seem to lack common sense," another user suggested.

The singer chose not to escalate the issue further, confining her response to the TikTok video.


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