Local Resident in Klang Repairs Road Potholes and Adds 'My Money' Artwork, Expresses Concern About Political Representative Taking Credit

Potholes pose significant challenges in Malaysia, causing damage to vehicles and contributing to accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. Despite these risks, local councils seem to overlook the urgency of addressing the pothole issue.
A video shared on the Naratif Rakyat Twitter page captured a man in Klang painting the words 'duit saya' or 'my money' on a recently tarred road section. This act aimed to underscore that he personally financed the repair of potholes, as the area's assemblyperson had failed to address the problem adequately. Prior to this, a motorcyclist reportedly suffered a fall due to the hazardous potholes.
Naratif Rakyat expressed frustration, stating, "The road has so many holes that a motorcyclist can fall. Complaints were made to the Taman Sentosa Klang assemblyperson, but no action has been taken. Eventually, a concerned citizen used personal funds to fix the potholes. What's the use of having a government like this?"
In the video, the man passionately declares, "This is my money. This is your money. This is not YB’s money. I’m doing it like this so that they don’t claim it as their work. If not, we’ll be using our own money, and they’ll claim it."
The assemblyperson for the area is believed to be Y.B. Tuan Dr Gunarajah A/L R George. Given the serious hazards potholes present to road users, it is crucial for local authorities to treat this matter with urgency and ensure thorough and effective road repairs.
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Jalan berlubang sampai ada penunggang motor jatuh. Dh adu kpd Adun Taman Sentosa Klang tetap tiada tindakan. Akhirnya org awam baiki dgn duit sendiri !!
— Naratif Rakyat 🇲🇾 (@NaratifRakyat) January 9, 2024
Apa gunanya ada kerajaan mcm ni? pic.twitter.com/9UNjOT2VUZ