27-Year-Old Woman Dies After Breast Enlargement Procedure by Unlicensed Beautician

A 27-year-old woman tragically died after allegedly undergoing a breast enlargement procedure at a beauty center in Tambakbayan, Kapanewon Depok, Indonesia.
According to Berita Harian, the incident occurred on Saturday, May 25, when the woman had an appointment with an unqualified beautician for the procedure.
The victim reportedly arrived at the beauty center around noon and was attended to by a female employee who administered a 'filler' injection into her breasts.
Around 2:30 PM, the victim began experiencing severe symptoms, including shivering, dizziness, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Alarmed by her condition, the wife of the beauty center owner rushed the victim to the hospital for medical help.
Unfortunately, the victim was pronounced dead later that day around 5:30 PM.
The victim's family subsequently reported the incident to authorities, leading to the arrest of two suspects believed to be responsible for her death.
Depok Barat district police chief Kompol Tri Hartanto confirmed that the suspects are the beauty center's owner and an employee.
He stated that the two are currently being investigated under the provisions of Article 197 or Article 198 Jo 106 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36, Year 2009, concerning unauthorized pharmaceutical practices.