RM2 Million Disappears from Perak Bank Account

The Paper Break Jul 13, 2024
RM2 Million Disappears from Perak Bank Account

Police are investigating RM2 million in unauthorized transactions from a bank in Kuala Kangsar, as reported by The Star.

CCID director Comm Datuk Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf stated that a police report was filed on July 9.

"Two customers discovered money missing from their accounts, and we believe a bank employee is responsible," he said.

The issue was uncovered on June 27 when the account holders attempted to withdraw money but found it had been transferred without their consent.

"Some account details had been changed, but the customers denied making these changes," he added.

The bank's investigation revealed that one of its employees made the withdrawals and transferred the money to other accounts. This employee, who is the main suspect, committed suicide on July 5.

Comm Ramli emphasized that banks must thoroughly investigate any unauthorized transactions. Deputy Finance Minister Lim Hui Ying also stated in Parliament on July 9 that banks are responsible for proving unauthorized transactions, not the victims.

Comm Ramli said banks should not blame customers for financial fraud unless there is clear evidence of customer negligence.


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