Pahang Woman Blamed for Robbery After Returning from Bank and Leaving Gate Wide Open

The Paper Break Feb 02, 2024
Pahang Woman Blamed for Robbery After Returning from Bank and Leaving Gate Wide Open

Amidst the vigilance against snatch thieves and robbers scouting banks and neighborhoods for potential targets, Malaysians have long adhered to precautionary measures to safeguard themselves. One such measure involves promptly closing their gates upon returning home and refraining from exiting their vehicles until the gate is securely shut. However, one Malaysian woman seemed to have missed this important advice.

A recent incident shared on the 关丹台 Kuantan Complaint King Facebook page unveiled CCTV footage capturing a local woman's unfortunate robbery in Mentakab, Pahang. After returning home from a bank visit, she not only left her gate ajar but also left her car door wide open.

The post emphasized the ongoing need for vigilance, even during seemingly secure times, stating, "New Year is here! Public security has been good but we still need to be careful when coming in and out." It recounted how the woman, upon returning from the bank, failed to secure her iron gate, becoming an easy target for robbers. The footage revealed a thief swiftly snatching the envelope containing her money before speeding away in a white Myvi.

In the video, the woman is seen arriving home and leaving her gate and car door open as she attends to chores on her porch. Moments later, the robber approaches her open car door and seizes the cash envelope. Despite her attempts to intervene, the thief escapes with the money, leaving the woman and two children, who witnessed the incident from the car, in shock.

Criticism was directed towards the woman for her apparent carelessness in leaving her gate wide open, with many expressing disbelief at her actions. Comments such as "Exercise caution. Can't leave the gate wide open after withdrawing money and leisurely attend to chores. Are you inviting trouble?" and "Shouldn't the gate be closed immediately upon arriving home?" echoed the sentiment of negligence inviting trouble.


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