I Regret Marrying Two Wives: Malaysian Man Wishes to Rewind Time as Both Relationships Fizzle Out

The Paper Break Mar 03, 2024
I Regret Marrying Two Wives: Malaysian Man Wishes to Rewind Time as Both Relationships Fizzle Out

Polygamy, the act of marrying multiple spouses, often sparks delicate discussions. Today, we delve into the remorse of a Malaysian man who entered into matrimony with two wives, only to discover that the reality of his relationships fell short of his expectations.

"I yearn to rewind time," he expressed.

In a candid exchange recounted by an individual identified as @meingl, the man bemoaned his choice to wed two wives as both relationships soured, leaving him feeling estranged and unloved.

He pondered the notion of time travel, a concept confined to the realms of science fiction, as a potential remedy. Alas, such a recourse remains beyond his grasp, and he grapples with the repercussions of his decisions.

"My first wife's affection has waned, while my second wife treats me like a servant. Meanwhile, my stepdaughter views me solely as an ATM," he lamented.

Through his words, it was evident that he sought to convey his sense of emotional detachment, yearning for a resolution to salvage what remained of his fractured family.

"If only I could rewind time and prioritize my original family," he sighed.

Furthermore, the man disclosed that his decision to marry his second wife stemmed from a desire to aid her as a single mother. However, the marriage failed to unfold as he envisioned, exacerbating tensions within his extended family.

"My own children now harbor resentment towards me, refusing even to acknowledge my presence," he revealed.

Despite seeking solace through therapy, his efforts proved ineffectual, leaving him reluctant to confide in friends about his predicament.


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